Order items can be edited in Orders, if you are using a direct fulfillment lab, this must take place before the order has been sent to the lab. Once sent the order is locked, to see more detail about what can and cannot be updated read below.
The following options available to edit depend on the type of Order Item you are editing.
Label (name)
Available to edit for all order items.
Quantity of Order item
Available to edit for all non-digital order items.
Product Option
Only shown for Green Screen Product Option associated with the Order Item.
Only shown if there is a Green Screen Product Option associated with the Order Item itself.
Only available to be edited if the Order Item has the background associated directly. For example, if the background is at the Package level, editing will not be an option.
To edit an Order item:
Click the Actions (cog icon) dropdown next to the Order item name.
- Click the Edit button.
- Change the required fields:
Change Green Screen background selection
When editing the Order Item, click on the square next to Product Option.
- In the modal popup, click on the desired background.
The new background selection will be shown.
Account access type does impact user experience and functionality as outlined below.
- Administrator - Same edit capability as primary account.
- User - Same edit capability as primary account.
- Accounts Person - Can change the image for an order, but can’t edit anything else.
- Job Manager - Same edit capability as primary account.
- Job Viewer - Can change the image for an order, but can’t edit anything else.