What to do when an order gets the notification: Attention Required - Shipping address failed validation.
This happens when our system cannot validate the customers shipping address.
Validate Shipping Address
- Inside of your Commerce account, click Store from the menu panel and select Orders from the drop-down menu. Your order will appear within the Requiring Action tab.
- Click on the Order Reference to open the order that requires action. This will open up the order page, that has all the details for the order.
- Click on the Shipping Details tab within the order.
- You will see the shipping address with a big red/pink bar around it. Click on the orange Fix address button.
- A pop-up window will appear to change the address. It is best to verify the address with the customer before making any changes. There is also the option to skip address validation if the address has been entered correctly.
Once the order shipping address has been changed, click Save at the bottom right corner of the page.