As you will have read, session stages are an integral feature that provides you with options in the workflow of your sessions. This article will detail one simple but significant step in the process: setting a stage as active.
- Open the session in Commerce.
- Review the session stages, and identify which stage you want to set. On the stage, click the gear icon and select Set as active stage from the options.
- Inactive stages will be grey. An active stage will be green.
- There can only be one active stage operating for the session.
- A stage cannot be made "inactive", rather, another stage must be set as the active stage.
Should you need to skip a stage entirely it is best to delete the stage you no longer need. Alternatively, you can set it active briefly before moving to set the next stage active. If you do not do this the stage will still be recognised as needing to run and depending on your dates and stage durations it may be automatically set active.