The welcome popup appears when someone first enters the shopping cart or gallery area. If you want to notify your customers of a deal or an important message this is also a great way of doing so.
You can add basic text to do this, alternatively, you can also pull in subject data like the students name.
Copy the code below and paste this code into the stage, update the "link to image" or remove this line if not.
The code must retain the same spacing and empty lines as it does below.
![](https: // <div style= "text-align:center;" > We hope you enjoy **{subjectName}'s** photos this year! </div> |
Add an image - Go to the media library and find the image you want to use, select copy link.
This then gets pasted into the popup message area like this example:
Note: You will need to keep: "![]( )" |
If this is the image link the text will look like this all together.
<div style=
We hope you enjoy **{subjectName}'s** photos this year!
The image link must start with HTTPS. This is critical to ensure the shopping cart remains secure and that visitors do not get security warnings when shopping.
A blank line of text appears above and below any custom HTML used.
<div style=
We hope you enjoy the photos this year!
Save your changes using the button at the bottom of the page.
Review your changes in the shopping cart to make sure you are happy with them.