What is a 'Session' on the Console?
A session is when you take a batch of photos and you allocate them to an ID. Regardless of your specific shoot process, each batch of images with an associated ID is called a session.
If you see the same person again and make another batch of photos that are allocated to the original ID, they still have one gallery, however, they now have two sessions of images in their Gallery.
There is no limit to the number of sessions a gallery can have added to it.
Notes: This is different from a 'Session' in Commerce and Studio. An 'Event' in the Console is the same as a 'Session in Commerce/Studio. |
Camera Connection
This might be an obvious statement, but the Capture kit is the physical hardware. This means that if there is a disconnection between the camera and the Capture device, image files will not be transferred across and uploaded into our cloud services. They will instead remain on your memory card only.
There have been instances where the camera disconnects from the Capture device and the photographer does not notice immediately, which means that a handful of images do not upload into your Fotomerchant product. This can be difficult to discover further along in the workflow.
Paying close attention to the Reader is currently the only way to negotiate this issue. The 'no camera detected' symbol will show on-screen whenever there is a disconnection.
We also strongly recommend that you have extra cables as a backup.
Scan Success
Images that do not receive a positive ID will not make it across to Studio/Commerce. That does not mean these images are lost. These images will still remain in the Console and must be assigned a correct ID before transferring across to your Fotomerchant product.
It is paramount that photographers ensure that the correct codes are successfully scanned. There are ways to prepare your workflow to workaround potentially corrupt scan codes, reach out to your Success Team to explore further.
Your Capture device can also be configured to help make this issue more avoidable, please see the Single ID Only and Show Scan Success articles for more information.
Job Sheets and Device Reception
There have been instances where images have not made it to the correct session. Usually when a device is connected to the Console and a job code is scanned, that will overwrite the previous setting.
This issue can be avoided by letting the device come online and connect to the Console before scanning the job sheet. This may mean turning the device on and scanning the job sheet whilst still outside the school, or wherever you have full and consistent reception.
If this isn’t achievable and the service is spotty, our dev team recommends scanning the job sheets when the device might connect to Console during the shoot. We understand that when in the flow of a shoot, this can be difficult to consistently monitor; as such, we think it’d be worthwhile regularly scanning the job sheet throughout the shoot. This is to try and ensure the settings are not given the chance to revert back to the previously saved session, as you are experiencing. Or, at the very least, fewer images will be affected by the wrong session information.
Again, scanning the job sheet only when the device is connected to the Console is the ideal solution.
Lock Settings
To help reduce the risk of configuration changes inadvertently removing the connected session/event, device settings will be locked when a job sheet is scanned.
Once the update is in place, Console will lock the options to configure a device, such as shot mode, etc. After a device scans a job sheet barcode the device locks. You will have a tag warning appear briefly on the reader as well.
This locking is visible inside the Console and all configuration options are not shown. Click the Unlock button to change the settings.
Note: After unlocking the operator must always re-scan the job sheet or re-add the event/session to the capture device in use. |
Currently, there are no major alerts in Commerce like there are in Console. However, the configuration options will be locked and any attempt to change them will incur an error message.
To remove the lock and make settings changes, either press the unlock button inside the Console or by shutting down the device. When re-starting a device, always begin by scanning the job code again.