The Messaging integration allows you to send SMS notifications to Event Attendees as images are uploaded to their personal Galleries.
Notes: Obviously, we need to know the phone numbers of the subjects, so the Messaging Integration can only be used when there are "Attendees" registered for the event. To have guests register themselves, use the Event Registration functionality. Alternatively, if you are providing nametags with a barcode or QR code for guests, you can pre-register the information manually and scan the nametag codes to trigger messaging. |
To use the Messaging integration, you'll first need to add Messaging as an integration to your Member, and then you'll be able to turn messaging on for any events you create.
Add Messaging Integration to your profile (first use only)
- Go to your member page by clicking your name in the top right of the Console, then Member.
- Select the Integrations tab and click the green New Integration button on the right.
- You'll be shown a list of all the available integrations. Select Messaging.
- Click the green Save button. It will now be listed under your available integrations when you add an integration to an event.
Add Messaging to your event
- Open the Event Page and select the Integrations tab.
- Click the green Add button and select Messaging.
- Edit the message which will be sent along with a subject gallery link and click Next.
- Choose a notification frequency. When a new image for this attendee reaches the Console, the system will automatically check if they have been notified within this period and, if needed, send a message. The most common selection is Max 1 per day. Click Next.
- Select between SMS and email as the notification type. Click the green Submit button to confirm. The Messaging Integration will now appear under the Integrations tab of the event page.
- Click the blue Edit button on the integration in order to make updates to the message or frequency settings.
Renotifying Attendees
If you need to send another message to the attendees, this can be achieved in two ways: All attendees, or individual attendees.
Notify All
- Open the event
- Click Galleries>Attendees and select the yellow Notify All button. You will be asked to confirm, or cancel... click Yes, notify to confirm and send out a message to all attendees.
Notify Individual Attendee
- Open the event
- Click Galleries>Attendees and find the attendee you want to notify either by scrolling through the attendee list or by using the case sensitive search bar.
- When you find the attendee, click the small blue arrow to the left of their name and ID to access more options.
- Click the Renotify button. Unlike Notify All, this will not ask for confirmation.