If your events/sessions start to pile up, we have an easy solution to help keep your Console experience clean and easy to manage. Archiving events is a great way to remove events/sessions from your main page, but the even better news is that they are not deleted forever! Archived events can be restored for you to access them again, if required.
Important: Fotomerchant reserve the right to archive events that are over one year old from the Console. Again, you are still able to restore them at your convenience. If using Studio/Commerce, no changes to the session info on those platforms will be affected. |
- Click to open the event you want to archive.
- In the top right hand corner of the event page, there is a downwards pointing arrow next to the Upload Media button. Click the arrow button and then click the red Archive Event text.
- You'll then be asked to confirm archiving the event, click the bold Yes, archive. button.
- The archived event will be removed from your events list but can be un-archived if needed.
- To restore an archived event: Click the Show Archive button at the bottom of the event list page. Click the Restore button for the event you wish to access again.