Once you have created an Event, you can customize and configure all aspects of it from the Event Page. Prior to the job, you'll want to make sure that you are happy with the workflow you have set.
Check the following:
- Event: Configure how you want the event galleries to act for users/guests.
- Integrations: Activate integrations to maximize your workflow. This can include the Fotomerchant integration which passes all image and subject info across to Studio & Commerce; process simple sales directly through the Console with the Stripe integration, and backup your images with Dropbox.
- Branding: Configure how images and galleries can be branded.
- Devices: Manage your devices, allocate them to events, and update their specific settings.
- To get on the Events Page, click the Events tab on the top banner of the Console and select the relevant event.
- You are now on the Event Page and can access the different configuration sections using the headings located beneath the image feed.
Event Details & Settings
Name: Whatever you write here will be the name of the event anywhere it appears in Console. It will also appear as the title in every client/Mypics gallery.
Start Date and End Date: Set the start and end times for your event so that you can sort your upcoming events easily.
Collect Attendee Details: Include a requirement that attendees must submit their contact information before accessing their gallery.
Registration: Create a link to a registration form that creates an individual attendee with every completed form. This process can include asking the attendee to provide a selfie when facial recognition is being used for an event.
Important: When making changes to the settings of the event, ensure that you click the green Save Changes button. Not doing so will result in losing the updates. |
Activate or deactivate integrations with your event. When an integration is active on the event, you will see it listed in the table.
Add an integration to the event by clicking the green Add button and making a selection from the list.
To activate an integration on your account, click your name in the top right corner, and click Member. Press the green New Integration when on the Integrations tab of your member profile.
Sales Provider: If you have set up any integrations with sales providers, you will be able to select which sales provider to use for this event by selecting them from the drop-down here. See here for more on Enabling Online Sales.
Free High Res Images: Standard images shown in galleries are 1000 x 1500 pixels and have a watermark applied to them (if configured). If you want people to be able to download higher resolution images that do not have a watermark for free you can enable that here.
This is where you can apply a branded header image as well as specify a watermark to be applied to all galleries and images for this event. You can download the branding template .psd file to help you make your graphics in the correct sizes. See here for more on branding options in the Console.
Gallery Banner: An image displayed at the top of all MyPics event galleries.
Subtitle: The subtitle appears below the name of the event in any associated gallery.
Gallery Footer: This message appears below all the images in any associated event gallery.
Watermarks: Instantly watermark every image that Capture uploads to the Console. Watermark-free hi-res versions are easily available.
Allow device watermarks: Toggle between Yes and No. This is best used when multiple devices are at one event, but each requires different watermarks. See more here.
This helps you manage which devices are sending images to this event. Devices that are already allocated will appear in the list. You can add devices by clicking the green Add Device button. See here for more on how to assign a Capture device to an event in Console. Commerce users can also manage devices from within their Commerce accounts.
If you need to adjust device settings or remove a device, you can click on the blue device name and it will take you to that particular Device Page where you can make specific setting adjustments.
All subject galleries that have been created for the event will be listed in the Galleries tab. These galleries can be created with Gallery Cards or uploaded as attendees as a pre-loaded CSV, or by using the registration feature.
From here you can see and update details about each gallery associated with the event. You can have the option to re-notify subjects that their gallery is available, edit contact information, and more.
The Stats tab is where you will find interaction metrics from MyPics galleries. If you are processing your images through Studio/Commerce, these stats might be empty because you may be bypassing MyPics galleries. See here for more on Console Analytics.
Downloads are the place to generate and download a zip file of all the images in the Event Gallery. We recommend using the Dropbox Integration instead or downloading an Event CSV for use with Timestone. These features are only used post-event.