Studio is the Fotomerchant workflow application, the smartest best friend you'll ever have. Follow the link to find out more.
Once you've downloaded the application you will be prompted to start the setup process and enter your API/Studio Access Token. You will need to be logged into Commerce to gain access to your token.
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Initial Setup
Linking Studio and Commerce using the API Key
- To access your API Key, login to your Commerce account, from the left menu panel click Studio > Software.
- Click the Studio access token to copy (hint: it's your API key).
- Jump back to the Studio application and paste the API Key on the space provided and click Save.
Here is a walkthrough video on how to set up Studio, find your API Key, and configure threshold settings and password default length.
Settings on the API Key page
The Filter Confidence Threshold setting refers to the options that manage corrective filters for images e.g. eyes closed and glass flare. The higher the rate is set, the more confident the AI must be to present a photo for review.
The Concurrent Image Downloads setting controls the number of image and subject downloads that will run simultaneously. We ask you to not change this setting.
The Concurrent Image Uploads setting controls the number of image and subject uploads that will run simultaneously. This is also a setting that we ask you not to change.
The Default New Password Length setting can be adjusted to your personal preference. When creating a new subject record, the generated password will be this length of characters.
Additional settings and Information
Additional settings are featured in this video including dark mode, confirming the version you're working with, and a brief overview of keyboard shortcuts.
To access your program settings, click the 3 vertical dots in the top right corner and select from:
- Settings
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Dark Mode
- Clear and Reset App
Note: Follow the link to check out the next video tutorial for Studio: How to search, sort, open-close, and the importance of allowing Studio to be turned on so a session is set to manage. |