In building Template Designer, we have focussed on delivering opportunities for maximizing use of dynamic data in order to give you as much flexibility as possible whilst minimizing unnecessary admin.
Image Nodes
Image Nodes can represent different types of images on a template:
- Primary Image
- Group Image
- Client Logo
- Session Logo
Click & drag the Image Node on to the template/ Choose the type of image. Under Element Properties on the right side panel, click Select an image... and select the image type from the list.
QR Codes
When you add a QR code, we can have a static value under Element Properties on the right side Layers panel. A "static value" means that it is consistently the same across any subject, meaning, every subject will be sent to the exact same location/website. In the above video, the QR code is set to send people to a website:
However, we can include subject specific information in the QR code. For instance, when the subject password is included in the Value, when the QR code is scanned, they are sent to the subject-specific shopping cart.
To add different data information as the QR value, click the Data Selector button on the right menu panel, and either search or scroll for the property. Then input the URL for the cart with the subject password at the end. That gives the customer the ability to create a QR code that goes directly into an individual shopping cart. Watch the video above for a quick example.
Important: You must add a Starting and Ending * to the Text Node: e.g. *{{subject.cafeteriaId}}* |
Automatically updating data
Many properties available on the left panel, particularly Session Properties and Date Variables, will automatically update as the seasons and years change. This means you don't have to constantly update a template every few months or every year. Watch the video above for a brief overview.