Shooting Modes let you decide whether you want to take the photo first, before scanning an ID, or whether you'd like to scan an ID before taking photos. All settings can be updated without the device being powered on, the device will adopt the updated settings once it is reconnected to the Console.
Note: There is also a Single ID Only setting which is available only in Scan First Shooting Mode |
Setting your Shooting Mode
- Click the Devices tab on the top banner of the Console and select the relevant device.
- You are now on the Device page and can access the Device Settings section at the bottom of the page. Shooting Mode is configurable under the Device Settings heading. You can choose between Photo First and Scan First. Click the words to view the options. You need to click the green tick before the setting will be saved.
Using Photo First
This is the default mode. The Capture device will be continually connected to your camera and will copy any JPEG image that is created. You’ll know you are in Photo First mode because the number of pics can increase while the number of IDs is zero - if you try to scan an ID before you've taken a photo, you will get a reminder message on the Reader.
To start, just take a photo. You will see that the number of ‘Pics’ shown on the Reader will increase with each photo you take, in real-time.
To end a subject session, scan an ID. The Reader will beep and buzz to indicate a successful read, and the number of IDs scanned will increase. You can still scan more IDs to send that grouping photos to more IDs but once you've scanned an ID you cannot add any more photos to that subject session - you will have to repeat the process.
To start a new session, take a photo. You’ll notice that the number of Pics and IDs will reset.
Using Scan First
The Capture device will be continually connected to your camera and will copy any JPEG image that is created. In Scan First mode, the number of IDs can increase while the number of Pics is zero - if you try to take a photo before you've scanned an ID, you will get a reminder message on the Reader. The image that was shot prior to the ID will be uploaded to the Console without an ID. Be aware of this.
To start a session, scan an ID. The Reader will beep and buzz to indicate a successful read, and the number of IDs displayed will increase. If you want the following photos to be sent to more than one ID, scan the additional IDs now – before you start taking photos. Once you start taking photos, no more IDs can be added to the current subject session.
Every photo that was taken from when you finish scanning IDs, up until you scan a new ID, will be added to the current session. You will see that the number of Pics displayed on the Reader will increase with each photo you take, in real-time.
To end the session and start a new session, just scan a new ID. You’ll notice that the number of Pics and IDs will reset when you do.
Using Single ID Only
In this configuration, everything will work as with Scan First, except if you scan more than one ID before taking photos, the Capture device will only keep the most recent ID scan.
For situations like school student photos, you know that you only ever want one ID scanned because, generally, there is only ever one child in the photo. There is also a lot going on at a school photoshoot, which we totally understand, which is why, in conjunction with input from some of our customers, we made Single ID Only to assist.
When enabled, Single ID Only will limit the number of IDs associated with any session to one ID - the most recent one scanned.
So if you forgot whether you scanned the ID for this session, just scan again and you'll know that the most recent ID is the one that will be associated with the images.
If you were given the wrong ID, to begin with, just scan the correct ID before you start a new session. Again... the last ID scanned in that session will be the one that is kept.
Note: Single ID only does not work with Photo First Shooting Mode. It is only available with a Scan First Shooting Mode. |