A new option has been added to the Fotomerchant integration in Console to allow No ID images to be sent across to a Fotomerchant Session. This option is exclusive to the Scan First Shooting Mode.
Note: This option is exclusive to the Scan First Shooting Mode. |
Setting when adding FM integration
Add the Fotomerchant integration to the event. The new option is accessible on the last step of the process. Toggle the option on (the toggle will turn blue).
Click the green Submit button in the bottom right corner to save.
When Sync No ID images is enabled, a new Subject will be created in Fotomerchant with the following details:
Name: No ID
Updating an existing event
To update an existing Event to Sync No ID images to Fotomerchant:
Click on the Edit link on the Fotomerchant integration for the event.
Choose the Choose Existing option to.
When the modal appears with the list of Sessions, press Next to retain the same Session selection for the current Event.
Set the Sync No ID Images option on the following step. Press Submit to confirm options for this event.
Note: Changing an existing session will only impact new images as they arrive in the Console. In order to send No ID images already in the Session, the Force Sync option can be used. |