This quick video will explain where to find and configure the creation of school service exports:
Image Selection Behavior
Currently, the images included in subject exports will be selected based on the following behavior:
- If we have a Pose ID selected for the subject export, use that image.
- If not, prefer the image with Pose ID of 1.
- If not, prefer the image with Pose ID of “PLIC Primary”.
- If not, prefer the latest image available for the subject based on date photo was taken / date photo was created in the system.
Generate Subject Export
- Enter the session that requires a report (Clients & Sessions > Sessions and select from the list).
- Click the blue Actions button near the top right corner of the window and select Generate Subject Export Package from the drop down menu.
Note: If you do not see this as an option, contact the support team in your Slack channel.
- Select the export type from the drop down menu labeled Definition.
- Name the export.
- Toggle if you want to export the knockouts rather than the original file.
- If using a knockout, select a background from your Media Library.
- Select a crop, even one that was not originally used in the session.
- Add a Pose ID if required.
- Confirm how you'd like to group the export, and add additional sorting fields if you'd like further structure to the export.
- Click the green Generate Package button to confirm.
- The system will then start building the export, you are free to close the window without impacting the process.
- To find where the export will be saved go to the left menu panel and click Production > Subject Exports and select the export from the list.
- Click the cog icon under the Actions column header to either View Config or Download.
Note: For a complete list of current Portal Subject Export definitions, please see our article here. |