Fotomerchant will make your life so much easier when it comes to recognizing faces. The following article is about facial recognition and face collation in the Commerce platform. If you are interested in Facial recognition within Studio or Capture, you can refer to the article in this link.
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- Facial Indexing
- How to use facial indexing
- Automatic face collation
- How to use the face collation feature
Facial Indexing
Face indexing is the process whereby the Fotomerchant cloud analyzes photos to determine the details regarding the faces in each photo.
Before facial recognition can be used on photos they must be indexed by our facial recognition system. If you have "Index Faces" turned on for a session, this happens automatically when photos are uploaded.
This process enables features such as automatic group photo tagging, face collation, and other special goodies!
How to use facial indexing
- Locate the Session in the Client & Sessions > Sessions area and click on the session name.
- Click the blue Actions button on the top right of the screen.
- Select Index Faces from the drop-down menu.
Automatic face collation
Face collation is a process that attempts to identify anonymous photos within your Session based on photos that are related to Subjects.
For instance: If you have 100 subjects in your Session, each with a single (1) photo associated with them and you also have a public gallery containing 1000 images of the same subjects; then, performing a face collation operation will attempt to move the unidentified images into the Subject galleries using facial recognition.
Depending on the number of unidentified images in your Session, this operation can take some time to complete.
How to use the face collation feature
- We recommend starting with the current year's subject photos, where each subject is known. These images will be used as reference photos.
- Take all the images for every year for all of your subjects and place them into a public gallery within the session. This gallery could be called 'unknown subjects'. For instructions on how to create a public gallery, you can refer to the article in this link.
- Once this is done we can run Face Indexing. Instructions can be found above under the header 'How to use facial indexing'. This is the process whereby the Fotomerchant cloud analyzes photos to determine the details regarding the faces in each photo.
- Once Face Indexing has been done we can then use the Actions button again and select Collate Faces. This will run the Automatic Face Collation process that attempts to identify anonymous photos (unknown images) within your Session based on photos that are related to Subjects. Performing a face collation operation will attempt to move the unknown images into the Subject galleries using facial recognition. This will allow your customer to purchase all of their digital files in one shopping cart.