Studio gives you the ability to import orders for a particular session via a CSV file. This process allows you to map orders to chosen products, options, form fields, subjects, and customer information, as well as allowing you to populate orders with images from your sessions. This is perfect for importing paper envelope orders or orders collected from somewhere outside of your online shopping cart.
Prior to mapping orders though, you will need to choose your file, stage, and catalog for the order import.
Before You Start: Your CSV file should contain all the required information to process an order. See our article: CSV Requirements before proceeding. |
Choosing File, Stage, and Catalog for Order Import
- Within the Studio app, open the session to which you are importing orders, then click on the Studio tab.
- Click on the Import Orders link, under Data Management.
- Select the CSV file containing the orders you wish to import. The following fields should be used as a baseline: First Name, Last Name, & Email Address.
- Use the drop-down to select which type of File Format you are importing (see above).
- Use the drop-down to select a Session Stage that corresponds to your order data.
- Once you select a stage, a blue box will appear below the drop-down with configuration details for that stage. Settings you've enabled will be shown next to a green checkmark, while settings that are disabled will be shown with a yellow x.
- On the right hand side is a preview of the catalog associated with the selected session stage. The corresponding product code is shown next to each of the products, packages, and form fields. It's important to review these product codes and make sure they align with the product codes in your CSV file for successful matching later.
- After the stage has been selected and the catalog reviewed, you'll notice the Import Form and Import Catalog fields will be populated with the form/catalog associated with your chosen Session Stage. Unless directed otherwise from your support team, leave these selections in place.
Now you are ready to begin mapping your products!
If you have imported orders for this catalog before, the Use these Saved Mappings button will appear. Clicking this button will bypass the specific mapping steps and take you straight to Address Configuration.
Important: Retired products cannot be used for a paper order import - be mindful of the products in your catalog. |