The Console has some handy tools to filter the complete gallery by a selection of different categories. One of these options is "No IDs". An image without an ID typically occurs when there is an error with the scanning process.
Note: The Fotomerchant integration with Console does not currently allow 'No ID' images to transfer across into Commerce or Studio. It's good practice to check for 'No ID' images in the Console after every shoot and ensure that all images have been processed correctly. |
- Click the Events tab in the top of the screen and select which event you want to view.
- Click the Event Gallery button in the top right corner above the image viewer.
- In the left panel of the window, click the No ID button to filter the event gallery to only show images without an allocated ID.
Note: If you need to update these images and resync them with Studio/Commerce, then please see Processing 'No ID' Images and Syncing the Fotomerchant Integration. |