By default, all Gallery Cards come activated, which means that when scanned, they will immediately open the associated gallery. However, it's also possible to deactivate a Gallery Card, which, when scanned, will give a message notifying the user of the following message: "This card is inactive. Please speak with event organizers to have the card activated".
Reasons you might want to deactivate a Gallery Card:
You require an in-person transaction to take place before you want to allow access to the gallery (e.g. Santa photos, you give the customer their Gallery Card and they take it to the cashier who takes payment and activates the Gallery Card).
You don't want people to be looking at the images until after a certain time (e.g. you don't want people looking at their phones until after the end of the performance which is being photographed).
Whatever the reason, you can deactivate cards one by one.
Activating/deactivating individual cards
From an event page or the master Galleries section, find the Gallery Card you want to convert. If you expand the row you'll find options to Activate card or Deactivate card depending on its current state.
Activating/deactivating all Gallery Cards in a Gallery Card order
When ordering a new batch of gallery cards, in the same window where you upload the Gallery Card graphics and select the text color, there is a tickbox that can be de-selected to have the cards come de-activated.
Note: If you order a batch of Gallery Cards which are deactivated, please be very careful to keep them separate and identifiable from any activated Gallery Cards you may also have. Mixing them up can cause you a big headache. |