From time to time, you may wish to collect information from somebody who has a Gallery Card or has a gallery under an "Other ID" and convert them to an Attendee.
Gallery Card to Attendee
- To find the Gallery Card you want to convert, first open the event page. Now, select the Galleries tab, and click the Cards sub-tab. You can also use the search bar to find submit part of the Gallery Card code. Expand the table row by clicking the small blue arrow on the left and you will find the Add as Attendee button.
- Clicking Add as Attendee will use the code on the Gallery Card as the Attendee ID and ask you to enter further information which could allow sending of SMS or email notification to that Attendee.
- Once you have saved the information, the gallery will move from the Cards section under Galleries to the Attendees section. The Gallery Card now acts as the ID for this Attendee regardless of what is being used as the ID source for other attendees.
Other ID to an Attendee
- Click Galleries > Other IDs. You can also use the search bar to find submit part of the Gallery Card code or scroll through the list. Expand the table row by clicking the small blue arrow on the left and you will find the Add as Attendee button.
- Clicking Add as Attendee will use the code on the Gallery Card as the Attendee ID and ask you to enter further information which could allow sending of SMS or email notification to that Attendee. A modal will pop up for you to input further information.
- Once you have saved the information, the gallery will move from the Cards section under Galleries to the Attendees section. The Gallery Card now acts as the ID for this Attendee regardless of what is being used as the ID source for other attendees.